Welcome to our beginner’s guide on how to play Spider Solitaire! If you’re a fan of card games and looking for a new challenge, Spider Solitaire is a great choice. This one-player game is played with two decks of cards and offers endless entertainment. In this guide, we will cover the basic rules, strategies, and winning techniques to help you master this popular game.

How to Play Spider Solitaire?

Spider Solitaire has simple objectives and rules. The goal is to clear all the cards off the tableau by building sequences of cards in descending order. You can only move cards onto those of a higher adjacent number and in the same suit. As you progress, you’ll learn how to strategize your moves and create winning sequences to complete the game.

To set up the game, shuffle two decks of cards together and remove the jokers. Deal out 10 piles of cards in a horizontal line, each with a different number of face-down cards. Place the remaining cards face down to create the stockpile. The tableau should have 54 cards in total, with the top card of each pile turned face up.

In each turn, you can move cards to clear them from the tableau. The number of turns available is indicated at the bottom of the screen. Minimize the number of turns and prioritize order over turns to maximize your chances of winning. Remember, you can only move cards onto those of a higher adjacent number and in the same suit.

Spider Solitaire Game Set-Up

In order to start playing spider solitaire, it is important to set up the game properly. Follow these steps to create the perfect spider solitaire setup:

  1. Shuffle two decks of cards together, ensuring that the jokers are removed.
  2. Deal out 10 piles of cards in a horizontal line on the playing surface. Each pile should have a different number of face-down cards.
  3. Create the stockpile by placing the remaining cards face down.
  4. The tableau should have a total of 54 cards, with the top card of each pile turned face up for easy access.

See the visual representation of a spider solitaire setup below:

spider solitaire setup

Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8 Pile 9 Pile 10
Face-down cards Face-down cards Face-down cards Face-down cards Face-down cards Face-down cards Face-down cards Face-down cards Face-down cards Face-down cards
Face-up card Face-up card Face-up card Face-up card Face-up card Face-up card Face-up card Face-up card Face-up card Face-up card

Spider Solitaire Turns

In spider solitaire, players have the ability to make strategic moves in order to clear cards from the tableau. Each player’s turn is indicated at the bottom of the screen, allowing for a sense of progression and control. To optimize gameplay and increase the chances of success, it is crucial to minimize the number of turns taken and prioritize the order of moves.

When making moves, players can strategically place cards onto others in the same suit that have a higher adjacent number. This creates a sequence or run of cards in descending order. Moveable cards can be positioned onto any card of the same suit that follows it in numerical order. By carefully analyzing the tableau and considering all possible moves, players can maximize their options and set up successful sequences.

For example, if there is a 6 of hearts on top of a 7 of hearts, a player can move the 6 onto the 7, creating a run of 6, 7. This opens up the possibility of uncovering additional cards and making further moves. The goal is to strategically build these runs and clear the tableau.

spider solitaire moves

Rules of Playing Spider Solitaire

Spider solitaire is a game that follows certain rules to create an engaging and challenging experience. By understanding these rules, players can strategize and increase their chances of winning. Let’s explore the rules of playing spider solitaire:

  • Cards can only be moved onto cards of a higher adjacent number and in the same suit. This means that you can only place a card on top of another card if it has a higher number and is of the same suit. For example, a 7 of hearts can only be placed on top of an 8 of hearts.
  • Runs of cards in descending order can be moved together. If you have a sequence of cards in descending order and of the same suit, you can move them as a group. For instance, if you have a sequence from 6 to 2 of spades, you can move all these cards together onto a 7 of diamonds.
  • Face-down cards can be turned over when all the cards above them have been moved. When you clear a pile of cards from the tableau, the face-down cards underneath become available. You can flip these cards over and use them to build new sequences.
  • Once a run of cards is complete from king to ace in the same suit, it can be removed from play. The ultimate objective of spider solitaire is to clear all the cards off the tableau. When you have a complete sequence from king to ace in the same suit, you can remove it from the game. This creates space in the tableau and brings you closer to winning.
  • The game is won when all 8 stacks in the foundation are complete. There are 8 foundation stacks in spider solitaire, one for each suit. To win the game, you need to arrange all the cards in each suit from ace to king. Once all 8 stacks are complete, congratulations, you have won the game!

Understanding and following these rules will help you navigate the game and develop winning strategies. Now that you know the rules, it’s time to put them into practice and start playing spider solitaire! Enjoy the challenge and have fun!

spider solitaire rules

Tips on How to Win at Spider Solitaire

Winning at spider solitaire requires strategy and skill. By following these tips, you can improve your chances of success and develop a winning mindset.

1. Plan Your Moves in Advance

One key strategy in spider solitaire is to plan your moves ahead of time. Take a moment to assess the tableau and consider the possible moves that can lead to success. Look for opportunities to create runs in the same suit, as they can help you clear the tableau effectively.

2. Find the Best Moves

Not all moves in spider solitaire are created equal. It’s important to find the moves that will lead to the most advantageous outcomes. Look for moves that reveal hidden cards or create opportunities for rearranging the tableau. Analyze the board and prioritize moves that will help you achieve your objectives.

3. Move With a Purpose

When playing spider solitaire, avoid making random moves without a clear purpose. Every move should serve a specific goal, whether it’s revealing hidden cards or creating runs. Moving with a purpose will help you maintain control over the game and make strategic decisions.

4. Use Empty Columns Strategically

Empty columns in spider solitaire can be valuable resources. Use them strategically to your advantage. Empty columns can serve as temporary storage spaces for cards, allowing you to access hidden cards or rearrange the tableau more effectively. Be mindful of when to use and free up empty columns to maximize their benefits.

5. Shift Strategy When Stuck

If you find yourself stuck in spider solitaire, don’t be afraid to shift your strategy. Sometimes, trying a different approach can provide new opportunities and break through challenging situations. Analyze the current state of the game, reassess your goals, and adjust your strategy accordingly.

6. Practice to Improve Your Score

Spider solitaire is a game that rewards practice and familiarity. The more you play, the better you’ll become at spotting patterns, making efficient moves, and strategizing effectively. Set goals for improving your score and challenge yourself to beat your previous records.

Tips on How to Win at Spider Solitaire
Plan Your Moves in Advance
Find the Best Moves
Move With a Purpose
Use Empty Columns Strategically
Shift Strategy When Stuck
Practice to Improve Your Score

Implementing these strategies and tips can greatly enhance your spider solitaire gameplay and increase your chances of winning. Remember to stay focused, stay patient, and enjoy the challenge that spider solitaire offers.

Different Variations of Spider Solitaire

Spider solitaire offers players a variety of game variations to choose from, adding excitement and challenges to the classic gameplay. Let’s explore some of the most popular spider solitaire variations:

1 Suit Spider Solitaire

In this variation, only one suit of cards is used, making it the easiest version for beginners to grasp. With fewer suits to consider, players can focus on honing their skills and developing winning strategies.

2 Suit Spider Solitaire

This variation introduces an additional suit, increasing the level of difficulty. Players must now navigate through two suits of cards, requiring more strategic thinking and careful planning to complete the game.

4 Suit Spider Solitaire

Considered the most challenging variation, 4 Suit Spider Solitaire incorporates all four suits of cards. With a higher level of complexity, players will need advanced tactics and precise execution to conquer this demanding version of the game.

Gigantic Spider

In Gigantic Spider, players tackle a colossal tableau with a total of 104 cards. This variation tests players’ ability to manage a larger number of cards and make strategic moves to unveil hidden opportunities for success.


Tarantula is an intriguing twist on traditional spider solitaire. In this variation, the tableau is formed in a circular pattern, adding a unique challenge to the game. Players must approach their moves differently to find success in this unconventional layout.


Spiderette, also known as Baby Spider, offers a quicker and more streamlined version of spider solitaire. Played with only 1 suit, this variation can be a great choice for those looking for a shorter and less complex game.

Each spider solitaire variation brings its own set of rules and gameplay dynamics. Whether you prefer the simplicity of 1 suit or the ultimate challenge of 4 suits, exploring these variations allows players to experience new levels of excitement and engagement.

Variation Number of Suits Description
1 Suit Spider Solitaire 1 The easiest variation with only one suit of cards.
2 Suit Spider Solitaire 2 A moderate level of difficulty with two suits of cards.
4 Suit Spider Solitaire 4 The most challenging variation with all four suits of cards.
Gigantic Spider 1 A colossal tableau with 104 cards for a greater challenge.
Tarantula 1 A circular patterned tableau for a unique gameplay experience.
Spiderette 1 A shorter and simplified version of spider solitaire.


Spider solitaire is an incredibly enjoyable and challenging card game that can be enjoyed by players of all skill levels, from beginners to seasoned experts. By familiarizing yourself with the rules and implementing effective strategies, you can enhance your gameplay and increase your chances of winning. Whether you prefer the simplicity of playing with just one suit or the thrill of tackling all four suits, spider solitaire offers endless entertainment and opportunities for skill development.

By following the spider solitaire guide and instructions provided, you can quickly grasp the fundamentals of the game and start playing with confidence. As you progress, you can explore various winning techniques and incorporate them into your gameplay to improve your success rate. Remember to consider each move carefully, plan ahead, and make strategic decisions to maximize your chances of clearing the tableau and completing the game.

Spider solitaire is not only a source of fun and entertainment but also a great way to sharpen your cognitive skills. The game challenges your problem-solving abilities, attention to detail, and decision-making skills. As you continue to play, you will find that your solitaire skills improve, and you become more adept at strategizing and overcoming obstacles. So, whether you have a few minutes to spare or want to indulge in a longer gaming session, spider solitaire is the perfect companion for a rewarding and engaging experience.

Now that you have a better understanding of spider solitaire and the techniques involved, why not give it a try? Embrace the challenge, enjoy the thrill, and let spider solitaire become your go-to card game. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep honing your skills, exploring new strategies, and aiming for those satisfying victories. Start your spider solitaire tutorial today and unlock the exciting world of this classic card game!

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