Welcome to our beginner’s guide on how to play Baldur’s Gate 3! Whether you’re a seasoned RPG player or new to the genre, this guide will provide you with essential tips and tricks to help you navigate the game’s mechanics and embark on an epic fantasy adventure. From understanding the gameplay to mastering the controls, we’ve got you covered.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is a massive and complex game developed by Larian Studios that offers an immersive and rich gaming experience. Set in the iconic Forgotten Realms universe, this highly anticipated sequel allows players to explore a detailed and intricate world filled with quests, characters, and epic battles.

Whether you’re playing on PC, PlayStation, Mac, or Xbox, our guide will help you get started and make the most out of your gaming experience. Don’t worry if you’re new to the game or the genre; we’ll walk you through everything you need to know to become a skilled adventurer.

If you’re ready to embark on a thrilling journey, continue reading to discover our gameplay tips, character building strategies, combat tactics, exploration techniques, party composition ideas, and more. By following our guide, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle the challenges that await you in Baldur’s Gate 3.

So grab your sword, gather your party, and let’s dive into the world of Baldur’s Gate 3 together!

How to Play Baldur’s Gate 3? – General Tips and Tricks

Embarking on the epic adventure of Baldur’s Gate 3 can be overwhelming for newcomers. To help you navigate the game and enhance your gaming experience, here are some general tips and tricks:

  1. Save frequently: Baldur’s Gate 3 doesn’t autosave often, so be sure to save your progress regularly to prevent any loss of progress.
  2. Pay attention to tooltips: Take note of tooltips that provide important information about new mechanics and features. These tooltips can help you understand the game better.
  3. Utilize resting: Use Short Rests and Long Rests at the campsite to recover your character’s health and spell slots. Resting is crucial for survival during your adventures.
  4. Explore dark areas: When exploring dark areas, make use of darkvision if available to see clearly. Alternatively, carry a torch to illuminate your surroundings and avoid any surprises.
  5. Adjust your dice rolls: Toggle the Karmic Dice setting to adjust the randomness of dice rolls. Find the balance that suits your playstyle and preferences.
  6. Deal with traps strategically: If you can’t disarm a trap, consider shooting it from a distance to trigger the trap safely. This prevents any harm to your character.
  7. Utilize fast travel: Activated waypoints and fast travel options can save you time and help you reach your desired destinations quickly. Take advantage of these convenient features.
  8. Embrace trading and pickpocketing: Look for trade buttons when interacting with merchants. Additionally, try your hand at pickpocketing merchants for some extra loot, but be prepared for the consequences if caught!
  9. Use the Alt key: Pressing the Alt key makes lootable bodies and certain items visible nearby. This can help you find valuable resources and items that might be easily missed.
  10. Learn spells from scrolls: If you have a character with the ability to cast spells, right-clicking on scrolls in their inventory allows them to learn new spells. Pay attention to these opportunities.
  11. Search for secrets: Keep an eye out for jumpable gaps while exploring. These gaps can lead to secret areas or hidden treasures.
  12. Navigate with the minimap: The minimap is a helpful tool for orienting yourself in the game world and identifying directions. Utilize it to avoid getting lost.

Your journey in Baldur’s Gate 3 will be much smoother with these tips and tricks in mind.

Baldur's Gate 3 Tips

Character Building Tips and Strategies

Building a strong and versatile character is essential for success in Baldur’s Gate 3. By carefully selecting your character’s class, race, abilities, and skills, you can create a character that excels in combat and exploration. Here are some tips and strategies to help you build the best character for your playstyle.

  1. Choose a class: Consider your preferred playstyle and abilities when selecting a class. Whether you prefer close-quarters combat as a Fighter or unleashing devastating spells as a Mage, there are various character classes to choose from in Baldur’s Gate 3. Each class offers unique abilities and specializations that can greatly impact your gameplay experience.
  2. Consider racial attributes and appearance: When selecting a race, take into account their racial attributes and appearance. Some races may have bonuses to specific abilities or skills, while others may have unique racial abilities that can be advantageous in certain situations. Additionally, choosing a race that aligns with your character’s story and role-playing preferences can enhance the immersive experience.
  3. Understand Ability Scores: Ability Scores play a crucial role in determining your character’s actions and success rates. Strength affects melee combat, Dexterity influences ranged attacks and dodging, Constitution determines health and stamina, Intelligence affects spellcasting, Wisdom impacts perception and insight, and Charisma influences social interactions. Understanding how these Ability Scores affect your character can help you make informed decisions when allocating points during character creation.
  4. Choose a background: Your character’s background provides useful skills and can align with your character’s story. Consider backgrounds that offer skills that complement your character’s abilities and playstyle. For example, a character with a Criminal background may have skills in stealth and deception, making them adept at sneaking past enemies or talking their way out of trouble.
  5. Select complementary skills: Choose skills that complement your character’s abilities and playstyle. If you’re playing a spellcaster, consider selecting skills that improve your spellcasting abilities or provide utilities for exploration. If you’re playing a melee character, focus on skills that enhance your combat prowess or provide defensive capabilities.
  6. Take advantage of the Guardian system: The Guardian system allows you to bond with a celestial entity, granting you additional abilities and bonuses. Choose a Guardian that complements your character’s class and playstyle to maximize your character’s potential in combat and exploration.
  7. End ability scores on an even number: Ending your character’s ability scores on an even number can maximize the bonuses you receive. For example, if you have a Dexterity score of 15, increasing it to 16 will provide an additional bonus to your ranged attacks and armor class.
  8. Use the equipment slot feature: Take advantage of the equipment slot feature in your inventory to easily find specific items. By assigning equipment to specific slots, you can quickly equip or unequip items without searching through your entire inventory.
  9. Feel free to “save scum”: If you fail an ability check or encounter unfavorable outcomes, don’t be afraid to “save scum.” Save the game before critical decisions or challenging encounters and reload if the outcome is not as desired. This allows you to experiment and find more favorable outcomes without significant consequences.
  10. Utilize the trade and barter system: Utilize the trade and barter system to sell items in bulk or manage your inventory. Trading and bartering can help you acquire valuable resources or upgrade your equipment, providing an advantage in combat and exploration.
  11. Take advantage of unlimited carry weight: Take advantage of the unlimited carry weight by sending items to your Traveller’s Chest. This allows you to carry more items without being encumbered, ensuring you have the necessary tools and resources during your adventures.
  12. Teleport back to camp: Teleport back to camp anytime to retrieve items or prepare for battles. The camp serves as a safe haven where you can rest, manage your inventory, and interact with your companions. Utilize the camp strategically to optimize your gameplay experience.
  13. Be strategic in resource management: Be strategic in managing your resources to minimize the need for frequent rests. Planning your spell slots, consumables, and abilities can help you navigate challenges and encounters more efficiently, allowing you to progress further without exhausting valuable resources.

Baldur's Gate 3 character classes

Baldur’s Gate 3 Character Classes

Class Description Playstyle
Fighter Masters of weapons and armor, excelling in close-quarters combat. Melee combat, tanking
Rogue Skilled infiltrators and manipulators, specializing in stealth and deception. Stealth, ranged attacks
Ranger Expert hunters and trackers, proficient in archery and nature magic. Ranged attacks, nature magic
Mage Master spellcasters, capable of unleashing devastating arcane powers. Spellcasting, ranged attacks
Cleric Divine agents, blessed with magic and the ability to heal and protect. Healing, support spells
Warlock Bargainers with otherworldly entities, wielding eldritch powers. Spellcasting, curses
Paladin Holy warriors, devoted to righteousness and divine might. Melee combat, divine magic
Druid Wielders of primal magic, connected to the forces of nature. Shape-shifting, nature magic

Combat Strategies and Tips

When it comes to combat in Baldur’s Gate 3, employing the right strategies can make all the difference. Whether you’re facing hordes of enemies or challenging bosses, these tips will help you come out on top:

1. Take advantage of high ground and positioning

Positioning your characters on higher ground gives them a tactical advantage, increasing the effectiveness of their attacks and allowing them to target enemies from a more advantageous position.

2. Dip weapons in nearby elements for extra damage

Look out for environmental elements such as fire or poison and use them to your advantage by dipping your weapons in these elements. This will add extra damage to your attacks, giving you the upper hand in combat.

3. Be cautious when moving near enemies

When moving near enemies, be cautious to avoid triggering opportunity attacks. These attacks can leave your character vulnerable, so plan your movements carefully and strategically.

4. Use the disengage bonus action

If you find yourself in a tight spot surrounded by enemies, use the disengage bonus action to avoid opportunity attacks. This allows your character to safely move away from enemies without triggering attacks of opportunity.

5. Utilize cantrip spells

Cantrip spells are excellent for consistent damage without consuming precious spell slots. These spells can be used repeatedly, providing a reliable source of damage in combat.

6. Use different types of food for healing

Food items in Baldur’s Gate 3 come in various types, each offering different healing properties. Experiment with different food items to find the right ones that suit your party’s needs and healing capabilities.

7. Examine enemies to learn about their resistances and conditions

Take the time to examine enemies during combat to gather information about their resistances, vulnerabilities, and current conditions. This knowledge will help you make informed decisions and select the most effective spells and attacks.

8. Utilize offhand attacks for rogue characters

If you’re playing as a rogue character, make use of offhand attacks as a bonus action. This allows your rogue to unleash additional attacks, increasing their damage output in combat.

9. Utilize turn-based mode and the spacebar for strategizing

Outside of combat, you can utilize turn-based mode by using the spacebar. This enables you to strategize and plan your actions more effectively, allowing for better coordination and decision-making during intense encounters.

10. Look for environmental opportunities

Keep an eye out for environmental opportunities, such as explosive barrels or hidden areas, that can give you a significant advantage in combat. Utilizing these opportunities can turn the tide of battle in your favor.

By implementing these combat strategies and tips, you’ll be well-equipped to face the challenges that await you in the vast and dangerous world of Baldur’s Gate 3.

baldur's gate 3 combat strategies

Exploration and World Interaction Tips

When playing Baldur’s Gate 3, exploring the vast and immersive world is essential for a truly immersive experience. Here are some tips to enhance your exploration and interactions with the game world.

Utilize Jumping and Climbing Abilities

Take advantage of your character’s jumping and climbing abilities to reach otherwise inaccessible areas. This can uncover hidden treasures, secret paths, and additional quests.

Spells and Abilities for Overcoming Obstacles

Consider using spells such as Disguise Self or abilities like Enlarge/Reduce to overcome obstacles. These can provide shortcuts, unlock hidden areas, or grant unique advantages during quests.

Pay Attention to the Minimap

Keep an eye on the minimap for better navigation and orientation within the game world. This can help you plan your route, locate points of interest, and avoid unnecessary detours.

Skip Dialogue for Faster Gameplay

Use the spacebar to skip dialogue and cutscenes to speed up gameplay, particularly during multiple playthroughs or when replaying a familiar section.

Group Hide for Stealth Mode

Utilize the group hide feature to activate stealth mode for your entire party. This allows you to sneak past enemies, initiate surprise attacks, or gather valuable information undetected.

Talk to Animals and Corpses

Engage in conversations with animals and examine corpses for additional information, clues, or unique perspectives. They might provide helpful hints, reveal hidden secrets, or unlock new quests.

Mind Your Manners in Front of Vendors and Store Owners

Be mindful of your actions and avoid stealing or causing disturbances in front of vendors or store owners. Negative consequences, such as higher prices or refused services, may follow if you create a bad reputation.

Listen to Party Chatter

Pay attention to the conversations and banter among your party members. They might provide valuable insights, lore, or hints about the game world, characters, or hidden quests.

Make Good First Impressions

First impressions matter. To prevent character departures or attacks, be mindful of your choices and interactions with NPCs. Building positive relationships can lead to new allies, quests, or special rewards.

Platform Availability
PC Yes
PS5 No
Mac Yes
Xbox No

Building an Optimal Party and Party Composition

When playing Baldur’s Gate 3, one of the key elements to success is building the right party. By carefully selecting companions and considering their abilities and strengths, you can create a formidable team that complements your playstyle.

Here are some tips for building an optimal party:

  1. Choose companions that complement your playstyle and fill different roles. Whether you prefer a balanced party or one that focuses on specific abilities, having a diverse group can enhance your overall gameplay experience.
  2. Consider the abilities and strengths of each companion when building your party. Some characters excel in combat, while others are more suited for support roles. Finding the right balance between combat-focused and support-oriented characters can be the key to success.
  3. Experiment with different party compositions to find the optimal combination for your playstyle. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to party composition, so don’t be afraid to try out different combinations and see what works best for you.
  4. Communicate and interact with your party members to strengthen relationships. Building strong relationships within your party can unlock special interactions and quests, as well as provide additional benefits in combat and exploration.
  5. Make choices that align with your party members’ beliefs and values. Each companion has their own unique personality and motivations, so consider their perspectives when making decisions to maintain harmony within the group.
  6. Utilize each party member’s unique abilities and skills in combat and exploration. From spellcasters to warriors, each character brings something valuable to the table. Make sure to leverage their strengths to overcome challenges.
  7. Prioritize communication and coordination to maximize the potential of your party. Effective teamwork is essential in Baldur’s Gate 3, so ensure that your party members are working together towards common goals.
  8. Adapt and adjust your party composition based on the challenges and situations you encounter. As you progress through the game, you may face different types of enemies and obstacles. Be prepared to modify your party composition to overcome these challenges.

Remember, building an optimal party is a dynamic process that requires experimentation and adaptation. Don’t be afraid to try new strategies and adjust your composition as needed. By harnessing the strengths of your party members and working together, you can conquer the challenges of Baldur’s Gate 3.

Baldur's Gate 3 party composition


Baldur’s Gate 3 offers a rich and immersive gaming experience, making it a must-play for both experienced players and beginners. While the game may seem daunting at first, with the right tips and strategies, anyone can dive into this epic adventure.

By familiarizing yourself with the game’s mechanics, learning to master the controls, and building a well-rounded party, you’ll be well on your way to conquering the world of Baldur’s Gate 3. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different character builds, seek help from online resources, and most importantly, have fun exploring the vast and captivating world of this game.

So, whether you’re a seasoned player looking for a new challenge or a beginner eager to embark on an unforgettable journey, Baldur’s Gate 3 has something for everyone. Now, grab your sword, gather your companions, and prepare to write your own legendary tale in this extraordinary realm.


How can I play Baldur’s Gate 3?

Baldur’s Gate 3 can be played on PC, PS5, and Xbox. You can choose the platform that suits your preference and hardware.

How do I save my progress in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Baldur’s Gate 3 doesn’t autosave often, so it’s important to save frequently to prevent progress loss.

Are there any tips for beginners in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Yes! Pay attention to tooltips for new mechanics and features. Use Short Rests and Long Rests at the campsite to recover health and spell slots. Utilize darkvision or carry a torch when exploring dark areas. Toggle the Karmic Dice setting to adjust dice rolls. These are just a few helpful tips for beginners.

What is the best way to build a party in Baldur’s Gate 3?

When building a party, choose companions that complement your playstyle and fill different roles. Consider the abilities and strengths of each companion. Balance between combat-focused and support-oriented characters. Experiment with different party compositions to find the optimal combination for your playstyle. Communicate and interact with your party members to strengthen relationships.

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