Learn How to Play Bullshit | Quick Rules Guide

Welcome to our beginner’s guide to Bullshit, also known as Cheat, BS, Liar, or I Doubt It – a fun and exciting card game that will keep you entertained for hours! Whether you’re a seasoned player or completely new to the game, this guide will take you through the rules and strategies to help you become a Bullshit pro in no time.

Bullshit is a game that can be played with 2 to 10 players, although it’s best enjoyed with 3 to 6 players. The objective of the game is simple – get rid of all your cards as quickly as possible. To start, shuffle a standard 52-card deck (excluding the jokers) and distribute the cards evenly among the players. The player with the ace of spades usually goes first.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the basic rules of Bullshit, share winning strategies, explore different variations of the game, provide answers to frequently asked questions, and even suggest other fun card games that are similar to Bullshit.

So get ready to have a blast with Bullshit! Let’s dive in and learn how to play this thrilling card game.

How to Play Bullshit?: The Basic Rules

Once the game begins, the first player discards one to four aces face-down on the table and announces it. The following player then discards the next card in consecutive ascending order, such as twos, threes, and so on. If a player does not possess the required card, they have the option to lie and discard alternative cards, claiming them as the required card.

  1. If a player suspects that another player has lied, they can call “bullshit” to challenge the validity of the discarded cards.
  2. If the cards are indeed a lie, the player who lied takes the discard pile.
  3. If the cards are valid, the player who called “bullshit” takes the pile.

Play continues in this manner until one player has successfully discarded all their cards, at which point they are declared the winner.

gameplay rules

Card Ranking:

In Bullshit, the order of card ranking is as follows, from highest to lowest:

Rank Card
1 Ace
2 Two
3 Three
4 Four
5 Five
6 Six
7 Seven
8 Eight
9 Nine
10 Ten
11 Jack
12 Queen
13 King

Strategies for Winning Bullshit

If you want to improve your chances of winning at Bullshit, here are some helpful strategies and tips to keep in mind:

  1. Play dumb: Sometimes, pretending to forget which card is next can work to your advantage. When it’s your turn, especially if you have the needed card in your hand, act uncertain and indecisive. This can make it more challenging for other players to determine if you’re bluffing or telling the truth.
  2. Be truthful: Whenever possible, play the card you actually have in hand. Constantly lying can increase the chance of getting caught and losing credibility among other players. So, mix in some honest moves to keep the game balanced.
  3. Call “bullshit” on the last card: When you suspect that the last card played by another player is a bluff, don’t hesitate to challenge it by calling “bullshit.” This can give you an opportunity to win the entire discard pile. However, be cautious not to use this tactic too frequently, as it may make other players more skeptical of your own plays.
  4. Strategically arrange your cards: Arrange your cards in the order of play to help plan your moves strategically. This will allow you to have a better understanding of the current state of the game and make informed decisions about when to play certain cards and when to bluff.

Remember, winning at Bullshit requires a combination of skill, strategy, and a little bit of luck. Experiment with different approaches, adapt to the flow of the game, and enjoy the excitement of outsmarting your opponents.

Variations of Bullshit

Looking to add some excitement and variety to your Bullshit card game sessions? Try out these fun variations to keep the game fresh and entertaining:

1. Two-Deck Bullshit

If you have a large group of players, consider playing with two decks of cards instead of one. This allows more players to join in on the fun and increases the intensity of the gameplay.

2. Descending Order

Switch up the order of play by implementing a descending order rule. Instead of playing cards in ascending order, players must now play their cards in descending order. This adds a new level of challenge and strategic thinking to the game.

3. Repeat Card

In this variation, players are allowed to play the same card as the one previously played. This creates opportunities for bluffs and mind games, as players try to figure out if their opponents are telling the truth or lying.

4. High or Low Rule

Add some excitement by introducing a high or low rule. Players can now play a card that is either higher or lower than the previously played card. This adds a layer of unpredictability and strategy to the game.

5. No Turns

To increase the pace and intensity of the game, remove the turn-based gameplay. Players can now put down cards at any time, creating a fast and furious gameplay experience.

6. Bullshit Drinking Game

If you’re looking for a more relaxed version of the game, turn Bullshit into a drinking game. The loser of each round takes a drink, adding a fun and social element to the gameplay.

With these exciting variations, Bullshit becomes an even more dynamic and entertaining card game. Give them a try and discover new strategies and tactics to outwit your opponents!

list of bullshit card game variations

Other Fun Card Games Similar to Bullshit

If you enjoy playing Bullshit, you might also enjoy other card games like Coup and Liar’s Dice. These games involve elements of deception and bluffing, making them entertaining options for game nights and gatherings.

Let’s take a closer look at these exciting card games:


Coup is a fast-paced card game that tests your ability to outwit and deceive your opponents. In Coup, players take on the roles of influential figures in a corrupt government. The goal is to eliminate the other players and be the last one standing.

  • Number of players: 2 to 6
  • Playing time: 15 minutes
  • Gameplay: Players take turns bluffing, challenging, and calling out their opponents’ actions. Each player has a set of character cards with different abilities, and the key to success lies in strategic play and clever deception.

Liar’s Dice

Liar’s Dice is a classic dice game that combines luck, skill, and the art of bluffing. In this game, players make bids on the total number of dice with a particular face value facing up on the table. The catch is that players can bluff and challenge each other’s bids.

  • Number of players: 2 to 6
  • Playing time: 15-30 minutes
  • Gameplay: Players take turns making bids, claiming to have a certain number of dice with a specific face value. The next player can either increase the bid or challenge the previous bid. If challenged, all players reveal their dice, and the loser loses one die. The game continues until only one player has dice remaining.

These card games provide a similar experience to Bullshit, challenging your ability to deceive and outsmart your opponents. Whether you prefer the political intrigue of Coup or the dice-rolling excitement of Liar’s Dice, these games are sure to provide endless fun and entertainment.


Bullshit is an exciting card game that combines strategy, deception, and quick thinking. By learning the basic rules and employing effective strategies, you can increase your chances of winning this entertaining game.

With its various variations, Bullshit offers endless hours of fun and entertainment for players of all ages. Exploring these different versions can add new twists and challenges to the game, keeping it fresh and exciting each time you play.

So gather your friends and family, shuffle the cards, and start playing Bullshit today! Discover the thrill of bluffing, the excitement of calling out “bullshit,” and the satisfaction of discarding all your cards to claim victory. Get ready for hours of laughter and friendly competition with this classic card game.

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