Welcome to a guide on how to play Guess Who, the classic 2-player board game that has brought joy to players of all ages for decades. In this article, we will provide step-by-step instructions and strategies to help you master the art of playing Guess Who and increase your chances of winning. So, let’s dive in and discover the exciting world of playing Guess Who!

How to Play Guess Who?

How to Play Guess Who?

Guess Who is a delightful game where the objective is to guess the mystery person on your opponent’s card by asking clever yes or no questions. It is suitable for players aged 6 and up, making it a fantastic choice for family game nights or friendly competitions.

Game Setup

Setting up the Guess Who game is quick and easy. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started:

  1. Start by flipping open all the character doors on the game boards. This will reveal all the possible characters for each player to guess.
  2. Each player will receive a game board with visible characters. These boards will be the foundation for the game.
  3. Shuffle the character cards and give one card to each player. These cards will determine the mystery character that each player must try to guess.
  4. It is important for each player to keep their own character card hidden from the other player. This adds excitement and mystery to the gameplay.
  5. If you are playing the Guess Who game for the first time, you may notice small face cards for each character’s color. These cards can be punched out and slid into the doors on the player board. They serve as visual cues to help players remember which characters have been ruled out.

It’s worth mentioning that there are multiple versions of the Guess Who game, and the characters may vary between each edition. However, regardless of the version being played, the game is set up in the same way.

Guess Who Game Tutorial

Rules for Guess Who Game

  • Types of Questions: Questions must be answerable with “Yes” or “No.” Players cannot ask open-ended questions.
  • Answering Honestly: Players must answer questions truthfully.
  • Guessing Limit: Players can only guess the opponent’s character once during the game. A wrong guess results in a loss.

These basic rules ensure a fair and enjoyable game of “Guess Who?” where players use deduction and strategy to identify their opponent’s character.

Asking Questions

One of the key elements of playing Guess Who effectively is asking the right questions. During the game, players take turns asking yes or no questions about the other player’s character. By asking targeted questions, players can eliminate a larger number of characters with each question, narrowing down the options and increasing their chances of winning.

The questions should focus on physical traits that can be observed from the character sheets. Instead of asking specific questions about individual characters, it is recommended to ask questions that apply to multiple characters at the same time. This approach allows players to eliminate a larger number of characters with each question, making the process more efficient.

It’s important to avoid open-ended or subjective questions that do not have a clear yes or no answer. These types of questions can result in ambiguous or unhelpful responses, slowing down the game and making it more challenging to identify the opponent’s character.

After receiving an answer to a question, players should utilize the information to their advantage. They can flip down characters on their own player board that do not match the given description. This helps to further narrow down the options and increase the chances of correctly guessing the opponent’s character.

Questions for Guess Who

Questions for Guess Who

Here’s a list of questions you can use in “Guess Who?” to help narrow down your opponent’s character:

Basic Questions

  • Is your character male?
  • Does your character wear glasses?
  • Is your character an adult?
  • Does your character have facial hair?
  • Is your character wearing a hat?

Hair and Facial Features

  • Does your character have brown hair?
  • Is your character bald?
  • Does your character have long hair?
  • Does your character have any visible scars?
  • Is your character smiling?

Clothing and Accessories

  • Is your character wearing a necklace?
  • Does your character wear a sweater?
  • Is your character dressed in blue?
  • Does your character have a tie?
  • Is your character wearing a coat?

Other Characteristics

  • Does your character have a pet?
  • Is your character a famous person?
  • Does your character like sports?
  • Is your character an animal? (if you’re playing a themed version)
  • Is your character from a specific country or culture?

Playful/Creative Questions

  • Would your character be more likely to go to a party or stay at home?
  • Would your character make a good superhero?
  • Does your character enjoy the outdoors?
  • If your character could fly, would they?
  • Is your character a friend of yours? (for fun in casual games)

Feel free to mix and match these questions, or come up with your own based on the unique characters you have in your game! Enjoy playing!

Tips for Winning Guess Who:

  • Ask questions that apply to multiple characters at the same time.
  • Focus on physical traits that can be observed from the character sheets.
  • Avoid open-ended or subjective questions.
  • Utilize the information gathered from each answer to eliminate characters on your player board.

By following these tips and asking strategic questions, players can improve their guess who game strategy and increase their chances of winning.

Gameplay and Elimination

Once players receive an answer to a question, they can use the process of elimination to narrow down the options and improve their chances of guessing the opponent’s character correctly. Here’s how it works:

  1. If the answer is “yes”: players should flip down characters on their own player board that do not match the description. For example, if the question was about wearing glasses and the answer is “yes,” players should flip down characters without glasses.
  2. If the answer is “no”: players should flip down characters on their own player board that do match the description. Using the same example, if the question was about wearing glasses and the answer is “no,” players should flip down characters with glasses.

This process of elimination helps players narrow down the character options and make it easier to guess the opponent’s character. By carefully observing the questions and answers, players can strategically eliminate characters and increase their chances of winning the game.

Guess Who board game

Answer Instruction
“Yes” Flip down characters that do not match the description
“No” Flip down characters that do match the description

Strategies for Winning

To increase your chances of winning Guess Who, there are a few key strategies to keep in mind. By following these tips and adopting an effective game plan, you can outsmart your opponent and come out on top. Here’s a beginner’s guide to guess who game strategy:

  1. Ask Questions That Eliminate Many Characters: When it’s your turn to ask a question, try to choose one that has the potential to rule out a large number of characters at once. By doing so, you can narrow down the possibilities more quickly and efficiently.
  2. Focus on Multiple Characters: Look for questions that apply to multiple characters instead of just one. This way, each answer you receive will give you valuable information about several potential candidates, helping you eliminate more characters with each turn.
  3. Utilize Process of Elimination: As you receive answers to your questions, make sure to flip down the characters on your player board that don’t match the given description. This process of elimination will help you narrow down the options and make more accurate guesses as the game progresses.
  4. Keep Track of Questions and Answers: It’s important to keep track of the questions you’ve asked and the answers you’ve received. By doing so, you can identify patterns, eliminate characters more effectively, and gather clues about your opponent’s mystery person.

Variations and Tips

While the standard Guess Who game follows the basic rules mentioned above, there are also variations of the game that add new elements and twists. These variations may include different sets of characters or additional rules for gameplay. Players can explore these variations to add variety and challenge to their Guess Who experience.

Here are a few tips for playing Guess Who:

  1. Focus on asking questions that eliminate a larger number of characters: By asking questions that apply to multiple characters at once, you can narrow down the possibilities more quickly and efficiently.
  2. Pay attention to the answers given by your opponent: The answers to your questions can provide valuable clues about who your opponent’s character might be. Use this information to your advantage.
  3. Be strategic in your process of elimination: Instead of randomly flipping down characters, use a systematic approach to eliminate characters based on the answers given. This will help you make more accurate guesses.

By following these tips and exploring different variations of the game, you can enhance your Guess Who skills and make the gameplay even more enjoyable.

guess who game variations

Variation Description
Guess Who Extra This variation introduces new characters, special powers, and additional gameplay elements to make the game more challenging and exciting.
Guess Who Mix ‘n’ Mash In this version, players can customize their own characters by mixing and matching different facial features, creating endless possibilities for unique combinations.
Guess Who World Football Stars This variation features famous football players as characters, appealing to football fans who want to test their knowledge of the sport while playing Guess Who.

Guess Who Game Characters

Guess Who Game Characters

Sure! Here are some classic characters you might find in a game of “Guess Who?” along with brief descriptions to help identify them:

  1. Mr. Green – A suave character often depicted with a hat and a suit, he’s known for his persuasive nature.
  2. Miss Scarlet – Elegant and cunning, she is often portrayed as a femme fatale with a love for red.
  3. Colonel Mustard – A military figure characterized by his yellow attire and a possible penchant for scheming.
  4. Professor Plum – Intellectual and sophisticated, typically seen in purple, he often has a mysterious past.
  5. Mrs. White – Often portrayed as a housekeeper, she has a reputation for being discreet and observant.
  6. Mr. Boddy – The victim or owner of the mansion in various mystery games, he usually has a wealth of secrets.

These characters are inspired by the popular board game “Clue,” but if you’re looking for characters from another “Guess Who?” themed game, let me know!


Guess Who is a delightful and captivating board game that can be enjoyed by players of all ages. By following the step-by-step instructions, gameplay is explained in this guess who game tutorial, players can enhance their chances of winning and develop the skills to identify characters effectively. Whether you choose to play the classic version or try out the exciting variations, Guess Who guarantees endless entertainment for friends and family. So, grab your game board, shuffle the character cards, and get ready to embark on a thrilling adventure of guessing who!


What is Guess Who?

Guess Who is a classic 2-player board game where players try to guess each other’s mystery character by asking yes or no questions. It’s suitable for ages 6 and up, making it great for family game nights and friendly competitions.

How to Play Guess Who With 2 Players?

Playing Guess Who with just 2 players can be challenging but also highly strategic and fun. To start, each player chooses a game board and sets it up in front of them. Shuffle the character cards and place them face down in a pile. Each player then secretly chooses a character card from the deck without showing the other player. The goal is to guess the other player’s chosen character before they guess yours.

How to Play Guess Who Without the Board?

While the popular game Guess Who is typically played using a board, there are some variations that allow you to play without it. One option is to write down different characters on small pieces of paper and have players choose a character from a pile. The players can then alternate asking yes or no questions to try and guess the other player’s chosen character. Another fun variation is to have players choose celebrities or well-known figures, and ask questions based on their appearance or famous traits. This version adds an exciting twist to the traditional game and allows for more creative thinking. Whichever method you choose, the key to playing Guess Who without a board is to use your imagination and have fun!

Why is Guess Who a Good Game?

There are many reasons why Guess Who is a popular and beloved game, especially in the UK. Firstly, it is a simple yet incredibly fun game that can be played by people of all ages. The concept of trying to guess your opponent’s character by asking yes or no questions is engaging and keeps players on their toes.

What Questions Are Not Allowed in Guess Who?

In this classic guessing game, players take turns asking yes or no questions to figure out the identity of their opponent’s mystery character. However, there are a few important rules to keep in mind when asking questions. Firstly, any questions that directly ask for a physical description (such as hair color) are not allowed. Additionally, any questions that mention specific features (such as glasses or hats) are also not allowed. Finally, any questions that give away the gender of the character are not allowed. Keep these rules in mind and have fun playing Guess Who!

Can I create my own questions for the game?

Absolutely! Feel free to create your own questions based on the unique characters in your game. The key is to ensure they can be answered with yes or no.

Where can I find Guess Who games?

Guess Who games can be found at most toy stores, online marketplaces, and major retail outlets. There are also various themed editions available.

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