Are you looking for a fun and popular drinking card game to spice up your next party or social gathering? Look no further than Kings Cup, also known as Ring of Fire or Kings! This exciting game is a favorite amongst friends and is guaranteed to bring laughter and entertainment to any event.

In this article, we will guide you through the rules and gameplay of Kings Cup, ensuring that you and your friends have a memorable and enjoyable experience. So grab your drink of choice, gather your friends, and let the games begin!

How to Play Kings Cup?

To play Kings Cup, you will need some equipment and beverages. Follow these steps to set up the game:

  1. Gather your friends and find a suitable playing area.
  2. Place a large cup in the center of the table. This cup is referred to as the King’s Cup.
  3. Get a deck of cards. Make sure it’s a complete deck with 52 cards.
  4. Spread the cards face down in a circular shape around the King’s Cup, creating the Ring of Fire.
  5. Ensure there are no gaps or breaks between the cards.
  6. Each player should have their own drink of choice nearby.

Now that everything is set up, you’re ready to dive into the world of Kings Cup. The image below shows a visual representation of the game setup:

Setting up the Game

Card Assignments and Actions

Each card in Kings Cup has a specific assignment or action associated with it. The game becomes more exciting as different cards are drawn, creating a unique set of drinking rules and social interactions. Here are the most commonly used card assignments:

Card Assignment
Ace Waterfall – Everyone starts drinking and cannot stop until the person to their right stops.
Two Choose – You can pick any player to take a drink.
Three Me – You take a drink.
Four Whores – All the girls playing take a drink.
Five Thumb Master – The person who draws this card becomes the Thumb Master and can place their thumb on the edge of the table at any time. The last person to place their thumb has to take a drink. This can be done multiple times throughout the game.
Six Dicks – All the guys playing take a drink.
Seven Heaven – Point your finger to the sky, and the player to your right must do the same. The last player to do it takes a drink. This can be done multiple times throughout the game.
Eight Mate – Choose a player to be your drinking mate. Whenever you drink, they drink too.
Nine Bust a Rhyme – Start a rhyme, and each player has to continue with a word that rhymes. The player who can’t come up with a rhyme takes a drink.
Ten Categories – Choose a category (e.g., fruits, colors, etc.), and each player must name something from that category. The player who can’t come up with an answer takes a drink.
Jack Make a Rule – Create a new rule that must be followed for the rest of the game. Anyone who breaks the rule takes a drink.
Queen Questions – Start asking questions to the person to your right. They must respond with another question to the person on their right. The first player who fails to ask a question or responds with a statement takes a drink.
King King’s Cup – Pour a portion of your drink into the King’s Cup placed in the center of the table. The person who draws the fourth King must drink the entire cup.

These card assignments and actions ensure that each turn is filled with suspense, laughter, and memorable social interactions. Keep in mind that these are just the common card assignments, and you can always create your own variations to make the game even more entertaining. Let your creativity flow and enjoy the exciting world of Kings Cup!

card assignments and actions

Game Progression and End

The game of Kings Cup progresses as players take turns drawing cards and following the assigned actions or assignments. With each turn, the excitement builds, and the level of fun intensifies. Let’s take a look at how the game progresses and eventually comes to an end.

As the game begins, players start drawing cards from the deck. Each card has a unique assignment or action attached to it, adding an element of surprise and unpredictability. The game flows smoothly as players follow the instructions and engage in entertaining interactions.

One crucial aspect of the game is the drink consumption. Each time a player draws one of the first three Kings, they must add some of their drink to the King’s Cup, which gradually fills up as the game progresses. This adds an element of risk, as players strategically decide how much drink to contribute.

game end

However, the climax of the game occurs when the fourth King is drawn. At this point, the player who drew the fourth King must drink the entire contents of the King’s Cup. This can lead to hilarious moments and amplified excitement among the players.

The game can come to an end in two ways. Firstly, the game may conclude when the last card from the deck is drawn, leaving no further cards for players to draw and continue the game. Alternatively, the game can end when the King’s Cup has been emptied, indicating that the players have consumed the entirety of the accumulated drinks.

It’s important to note that while Kings Cup is a game meant to be enjoyed with friends, responsible drinking is key. Keeping track of everyone’s drink consumption ensures that players are mindful of their limits and can fully participate in the game without overindulgence.

So, as the game progresses, players have a chance to experience a thrilling journey filled with laughter and memorable moments. The end of the game marks a culmination of shared experiences and serves as a reminder of the delightful time spent together.

Variation of Rules

Kings Cup is a flexible game that allows for various rule variations and customizations. Some groups may have their own specific rules or assignments for certain cards. Feel free to modify the game to suit the preferences of your group, but remember to maintain a fun and safe drinking environment.

Experiment with different rules and card assignments to keep the game exciting and engaging. Here are a few examples of common variations:

Card Point System

Instead of following the assigned actions on each card, you can assign points to each card value and keep track of the total points throughout the game. For example, the Ace can be worth 1 point, the King 13 points, and so on. At the end of the game, the player with the highest total points must drink a designated amount.

Custom Card Assignments

Create your own set of card assignments that align with the preferences and personalities of your group. For example, the Queen can be assigned a rule where the player who draws it must dance for 30 seconds, or the Jack can be assigned a task where the player has to speak in a foreign accent for the next round.

Remember, the key is to have fun and ensure that everyone is comfortable with the rules and assignments. Encourage open communication and consensus among the players to maintain a positive gaming experience.

Rule Variation Description
Category Theme Assign a different category for each number card, such as “Famous Movies” or “Types of Animals.” Players must take turns naming something that fits the category. The first player who can’t come up with something drinks.
Reverse Order Change the game’s direction whenever a player draws a certain card, like the 5 or 10. This adds a twist and keeps everyone on their toes.
Truth or Dare Instead of card assignments, use the cards to play a truth or dare game. Each player takes turns drawing a card and must either answer a personal question truthfully or perform a dare.

Other Drinking Games

Kings Cup is just one of the many drinking games that can liven up a party or social gathering. If you’re looking for more options to add some fun and excitement to your next event, consider trying out these popular drinking games:

  1. Beer Pong: This classic party game involves tossing ping pong balls into cups of beer. Gather your friends, set up a table with cups arranged in a triangle formation, and take turns aiming for success. It’s a game of skill, strategy, and, of course, having a good time.
  2. Flip Cup: If you’re looking for a fast-paced, action-packed game, Flip Cup is a great choice. Split into teams and line up opposite each other. Each person must drink their drink and then flip the cup upside down using only their fingers. The first team to successfully flip all their cups wins!
  3. Multiplayer Card Games: If you enjoy the card aspect of Kings Cup, there are several other multiplayer card games that involve drinking. Games like Spades, Asshole, or Ride the Bus add a competitive element while incorporating the fun of drinks. Gather around the table and let the cards decide the next move.

These games are sure to keep the party going and create memorable moments with your friends. Just remember to drink responsibly and make sure everyone is having a good time. So, whether you’re a beer pong champion or a card shark, these other drinking games will undoubtedly add an extra level of enjoyment to any gathering where alcohol is involved.


Kings Cup is a classic drinking card game enjoyed by many. It offers a fun and interactive way to socialise and have a good time with friends. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, Kings Cup is sure to provide hours of entertainment and laughter at your next party or gathering.

Remember to drink responsibly and know your limits. It’s important to create a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone involved. Kings Cup is just one example of the many fun party games you can play to spice up your social gatherings.


How to win the Kings Cup?

While winning is not the main focus of Kings Cup, following these tips will definitely improve your chances. Firstly, make sure you have a good mix of cards in the deck to keep things interesting. Secondly, try to come up with creative and fun rules for each card, which will enhance the overall experience for everyone playing. Lastly, don’t be afraid to get a little wild and embrace the spirit of the game – after all, it’s all about having a good time with friends!

What does ace mean in Kings Cup?

In the popular drinking game, Kings Cup, the ace card has a special meaning and rule. When an ace is drawn, it is known as “waterfall” and all players must drink continuously until the player who drew the card stops drinking. This creates a fun and chaotic atmosphere as players try to keep up with each other’s drinking pace.

What does 5 mean in Kings Cup?

In the popular drinking game of Kings Cup, 5 is known as “Guys” or “Chicks.” This rule requires all male players to drink, or all female players to drink depending on the gender specified. It’s a fun and sometimes unpredictable twist to the game that keeps everyone on their toes.

What does 8 mean in Kings Cup?

In the popular drinking game of Kings Cup, 8 typically represents the “Mate” card. This means that the person who draws the 8 must choose someone to be their “mate” for the rest of the game. This person must drink whenever they drink and vice versa. It’s a fun twist that adds an element of teamwork and camaraderie to the game.

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