Welcome to the ultimate guide on how to play manhunt, the classic outdoor game that brings excitement and thrill to gatherings with friends and family. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to know about playing manhunt, including the rules, strategies, and tips to make the game even more enjoyable.

Playing manhunt is a great way to get active and engage in friendly competition. It’s a game that combines strategy, teamwork, and stealth, making it the perfect outdoor activity for any age group. From organizing teams to setting up the game, we’ll walk you through every step to ensure you have a memorable gaming experience.

So, if you’re ready to dive into the world of manhunt, let’s begin by understanding the objective of the game.

How to Play Manhunt Outdoors?

In the thrilling outdoor game of Manhunt, understanding the objective is key to success. The manhunt objective is for the hunted players to cleverly navigate the playing field and reach the escape zone undetected by the hunters. The game begins with the hunters stationed at their base, eagerly awaiting the start, while the hunted players begin their quest from the designated starting point.

The hunters’ mission is to locate and tag the hunted players before they can reach the escape zone. The hunted players must employ their stealth and strategic skills to avoid being caught. The goal is to make it to the escape zone without incurring a tag from the vigilant hunters.

Establishing their bases is crucial for both teams. The hunters must choose a strategic location for their base, which serves as their home territory and starting point for their pursuit. The hunted players, on the other hand, commence their adventure from the starting point, using their cunning and agility to outsmart the hunters and reach the safety of the escape zone. Communication and coordination among team members about the boundaries of the game are essential to ensure fair play and an exhilarating experience for all participants.

Manhunt Rules

  1. Determine Roles: Decide who will be the seekers and who will be the hiders. You can switch roles in subsequent rounds.
  2. Set a Time Limit: Agree on a time limit for the game or until all hiders are caught.
  3. Hiders Hide: Hiders are given a head start (e.g., 2-5 minutes) to find hiding spots within the designated play area.
  4. Seekers Seek: After the head start, the seekers start looking for the hiders. Seekers can use flashlights if playing at night.
  5. Tagging: If a seeker finds a hider, they must tag them. Once tagged, the hider is out of the game or can join the seekers, depending on the rules agreed upon.
  6. Safe Zones: You can designate safe zones where hiders cannot be tagged. These zones can have a time limit or be available throughout the game.
  7. Winning: The game ends when all hiders are caught, or the time limit is reached. The team with the most members remaining uncaught or the team that finds all hiders the fastest wins.

Setting the Scene

As the game commences, the tension rises, and the hunt is on. Will the hunted players successfully evade the pursuing hunters? Or will the hunters prove their prowess in tracking and tagging their prey? The game unfolds as the players navigate the playing field, employing their wits, agility, and teamwork to achieve their objectives.

To illustrate the objective and dynamics of Manhunt, let’s take a look at the game structure in a simplified table:

manhunt objective

With a clear understanding of the objective, the starting points, and the escape zones, players can embark on an exciting adventure of strategy, stealth, and pursuit in the great outdoors. So gather your friends, prepare your wits, and get ready for an unforgettable game of Manhunt!

Gathering Players and Teams

Manhunt is an exciting outdoor game that becomes even more enjoyable when played with a group of enthusiastic players. To get started, gather a minimum of six players who will be divided into two equally balanced teams. Having an even number of players on each team ensures fairness and healthy competition.

To establish structure within the teams, it is important to assign a captain to each side. The captains will not only lead their respective teams but also be responsible for setting up the base. This base will serve as the starting point for their team’s strategy and gameplay.

If there are players with different abilities or speeds, the teams can be further enhanced by pairing them up with others who complement their skills. This ensures that each team has a balanced mix of strengths, adding an extra layer of excitement to the game.

With the players gathered and teams formed, the stage is set for an action-packed game of Manhunt!

Tips for Selecting Captains

Choosing the right captains for each team is crucial to ensuring a smooth and enjoyable gameplay experience. Here are some tips for selecting captains:

  • Look for players who have previous experience playing Manhunt and are familiar with the rules.
  • Consider individuals who possess strong leadership qualities and can effectively communicate and coordinate with their team members.
  • Opt for captains who can think strategically and adapt their approach based on the gameplay situation.

By selecting capable and enthusiastic captains, you can enhance the overall gameplay experience for all participants and create a memorable Manhunt adventure.

Number of Players Number of Teams Captains
6-10 2 2 (1 per team)
11-16 3 3 (1 per team)
17-20+ 4+ 4+ (1 per team)

manhunt players

Setting up the Manhunt

Manhunt is a versatile outdoor game that can be enjoyed during the day or at night. Each time frame has its unique advantages and considerations, making it essential to understand the dynamics of playing manhunt in different settings.

Playing Manhunt during the Day

When playing manhunt during the day, players benefit from increased visibility and more extended gameplay hours. However, it’s important to note that busy streets and the heat can pose challenges and impact the overall experience.

Some key considerations when playing manhunt during the day:

  • Establishing clear out-of-bounds areas to ensure player safety and fair play.
  • Setting a time limit to maintain an organized and efficient game flow.
  • Providing players with ample water and shade to prevent dehydration and fatigue.

Embracing the Thrill of Nighttime Manhunt

Playing manhunt at night offers a unique and exciting experience. The cooler temperatures and diminished visibility create an atmosphere of mystery and suspense, making it ideal for players seeking a heightened level of challenge and thrill.

Here are some important factors to consider when playing manhunt at night:

  • Equipping players with flashlights and communication devices to enhance visibility and maintain effective team coordination.
  • Establishing specific out-of-bounds areas that may differ from the daytime game to accommodate safety concerns and ensure fairness.
  • Implementing a time limit to ensure that the game remains engaging and prevents prolonged searches.

Regardless of whether you choose to play manhunt during the day or at night, it’s crucial to set clear game rules and boundaries to maintain a fair and enjoyable experience for all participants.

manhunt game

Hiding and Seeking Strategies

In the game of Manhunt, hiding and seeking are essential skills that can make or break a player’s chances of success. To outsmart your opponents and increase your chances of winning, it’s important to employ effective hiding and seeking strategies. Here are some key techniques to consider:

Hiding Spots

When choosing a hiding spot, it’s crucial to select an area that provides ample cover and blends in with the surroundings. Consider hiding behind bushes, trees with drooping branches, alleyway corners, or hills. These hiding spots can help you remain undetected and give you a strategic advantage. Remember to stay still and blend in when a hunter is approaching to avoid giving away your location.


Stealth is the key to successful hiding in Manhunt. Move silently and avoid making unnecessary noise that could give away your position. Be mindful of your steps and surroundings, using cautious and deliberate movements to minimize your chances of being discovered. By mastering the art of stealth, you can stay one step ahead of your opponents and increase your chances of winning.

Seeking Techniques

As a seeker, it’s essential to adopt a strategic approach to find hidden players. Think like a hider and be on the lookout for any signs of hiding. Look for small details, such as subtle movements or out-of-place objects, that may give away a hider’s location. Remember to check both high and low areas, as players can hide in unexpected spots. By being observant and thorough in your search, you can increase your chances of finding hidden players.

Using a combination of these hiding and seeking strategies can greatly improve your chances of success in Manhunt. Remember, the game is all about outsmarting your opponents and embracing the thrill of the chase. So, get ready, strategize, and enjoy the exhilarating experience of Manhunt!

manhunt hiding spots

Advantages of Hiding in Different Locations Disadvantages of Hiding in Different Locations
Hiding in bushes Noisy when moving
Hiding in trees with drooping branches May be easily spotted from certain angles
Hiding in alleyway corners Limited escape routes
Hiding on hills Exposed location


Manhunt is a thrilling outdoor game that brings people together for fun and excitement. By following the rules, understanding the objective, and using strategies, players can enjoy a memorable gaming experience. Whether played during the day or at night, Manhunt offers endless opportunities for hiding, seeking, and teamwork.

So gather your friends and family, and get ready for an unforgettable game of Manhunt in the great outdoors. Whether you’re exploring the local park or your own backyard, the thrill of the chase and the adrenaline rush of being hunted will create lasting memories. With its simple yet engaging gameplay, Manhunt is the perfect outdoor game for groups of all ages.

So grab your flashlights, put on your running shoes, and let the adventure begin. Experience the excitement of Manhunt as you navigate through hiding spots, employ stealthy tactics, and unleash your inner detective. With the right team and a well-thought-out strategy, you’ll have a blast playing Manhunt with friends. Whether you’re playing Manhunt or a classic game like Jenga, the key is to have fun and enjoy the experience with friends and famil


How many players do you need to play Manhunt?

Manhunt is best played with a minimum of six players divided into two equal teams. Each team should have a captain who will establish the base for their team. It’s important to have an even number of players on each team to ensure fairness.

Can you play Manhunt during the day and night?

Yes, Manhunt can be played during the day or at night. There are advantages and disadvantages to each. During the day, there is more visibility and time to play, but the streets may be busy and the players may feel the heat. At night, the game becomes cooler and offers more hiding opportunities, but visibility is decreased, and players should have flashlights and communication devices.

What are some hiding spots in Manhunt?

Hiders in Manhunt should choose hiding spots with cover, such as bushes, trees with drooping branches, alleyway corners, or hills. It’s important to blend with the surroundings and stay still when a hunter is approaching.

How can seekers find hidden players in Manhunt?

Seekers should think like hiders and be on the lookout for any sign of hiding, including small details that give away a hider’s location. Checking high and low areas can increase the chances of finding hidden players. It’s important for both teams to use stealth and strategy.

What are Safe Zones in Manhunt?

Safe Zones are designated areas where Hiders cannot be tagged by Seekers. These zones can be available throughout the game or have a time limit.

How do you determine the winner in Manhunt?

The game ends when all Hiders are caught or the time limit is reached. The team with the most members remaining uncaught or the team that finds all Hiders the fastest wins.

What equipment do you need to play Manhunt?

The game primarily requires a good outdoor space. Optional equipment includes flashlights for night play and whistles for signaling.

Can players switch roles during the game?

Yes, players can switch roles between rounds. For example, those who were Seekers can become Hiders in the next round, adding variety and excitement to the game.

Is Manhunt suitable for all age groups?

Yes, Manhunt can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Just ensure the play area and rules are appropriate for the participants’ ages and abilities.

What is the difference between Manhunt and hide-and-seek?

Manhunt is a team-based game combining elements of tag and hide-and-seek, where Hiders must reach an escape zone or survive for a set time while avoiding Seekers. Hide-and-seek is a simpler game where one seeker finds individual hiders, with no team dynamics or additional objectives.

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