Welcome to our guide on how to play Othello! If you’re new to this classic board game and looking to learn the rules and strategies for success, you’ve come to the right place. Othello, also known as Reversi, is a game of skill and strategy that has captured the hearts of players around the world.

In Othello, the objective is to have the majority of your colored discs facing up on the board at the end of the game. Each player begins with 32 discs of their chosen color, and the game starts with a specific setup. Black always moves first, and the players take turns making moves, outflanking their opponent’s discs and flipping them to their own color.

To ensure a fair and friendly game, it’s important to understand the rules of Othello. From the placement of discs to the strategies for winning, we will guide you through every step of the game. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player looking to improve your skills, our comprehensive guide covers it all.

Ready to dive in? Let’s explore the rules, strategies, and everything you need to know to play Othello like a pro!

Setting Up the Game of Othello

Before diving into the exciting gameplay of Othello, it’s essential to set up the game properly. Follow these steps to ensure you’re ready to play:

Step 1: Assembling the Board

The first step is to assemble the playing board. Take the base of the Othello board and insert the four feet into the designated holes. This will ensure stability during gameplay, allowing you to focus on your strategies without any distractions.

Step 2: Preparing the Disc Storage

Othello provides a convenient storage space for game discs. Simply remove the lid from the disk storage area located on the board. This feature allows you to keep your game discs organized and easily accessible throughout the game.

Step 3: Choosing Your Color

Each player must select their color for the game. Othello provides discs in two colors, typically black and white or red and yellow. Choose your preferred color by taking 32 discs of that color.

Step 4: Placing the Starting Discs

The setup diagram shows the initial placement of two colored discs for each player. Place your discs on the board according to the specified positions in the diagram. This arrangement sets the stage for the exciting gameplay to come.

othello gameplay guide

Step 5: Ready to Play!

Now that you’ve properly set up the Othello game, you’re all set to start playing. Remember the rules and strategies outlined in this guide to maximize your chances of victory. Enjoy the game and may the best strategist win!

Step Description
Step 1 Assemble the board by inserting the four feet into the designated holes.
Step 2 Open the disk storage by removing the lid for easy access to game discs.
Step 3 Choose your color by taking 32 discs of your preferred color.
Step 4 Follow the setup diagram to place the starting discs on the board.
Step 5 Get ready to play and enjoy the exciting world of Othello!

How to Play Othello?

In Othello, the game progresses as players take turns making moves. Each move involves placing a disc on the board in a strategic manner that outflanks the opponent’s discs. This step-by-step Othello instructions guide will help you understand the gameplay techniques and master the game.

A disc in Othello can outflank multiple rows in any direction – horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. When you make a move that outflanks your opponent’s discs, those outflanked discs are flipped to your color, gaining control of the board.

However, there are rules to follow when making moves. You cannot skip over your own color discs, and you must always outflank your opponent’s discs to make a valid move. It’s important to analyze the board and plan your moves strategically to gain an advantage over your opponent.

For a visual representation of the gameplay techniques, refer to the sample moves shown below.

step-by-step othello instructions

Sample Moves:

Move Description
1 Player 1 places a disc at E4, outflanking two discs vertically downwards.
2 Player 2 places a disc at D2, outflanking one disc horizontally to the right and one disc diagonally upwards.
3 Player 1 places a disc at F6, outflanking one disc diagonally upwards.
4 Player 2 places a disc at E2, outflanking one disc horizontally to the right and one disc diagonally upwards.

By observing and learning from these sample moves, you can develop your gameplay techniques and make strategic moves in Othello. Remember to always analyze the board, plan your moves carefully, and outflank your opponent’s discs to gain control and dominate the game.

Strategies for Winning in Othello

To improve your chances of winning in Othello, consider implementing the following strategic tactics:

1. Gain Control of the Corners

Focusing on gaining control of the corners is one of the most effective strategies in Othello. The corners provide the most stable positions on the board, as they cannot be outflanked. By securing the corners early on, you establish a strong foundation for the rest of the game.

2. Place Discs Strategically to Avoid Getting Boxed In

Be mindful of your disc placements to avoid getting boxed in by your opponent. Placing your discs strategically along the edges of the board helps create barriers and limits your opponent’s options for outflanking your discs.

3. Limit the Number of Discs Flipped Early in the Game

Minimize your opponent’s opportunities by strategically limiting the number of discs you flip early in the game. By avoiding unnecessary flips, you prevent your opponent from gaining an advantage and maintain control over the board.

4. Place Discs in Diverse Areas of the Board

To maintain flexibility and increase your chances of outflanking your opponent, distribute your discs in diverse areas of the board. This strategy allows you to adapt to your opponent’s moves and creates multiple opportunities for capturing your opponent’s discs.

Strategies for Winning in Othello Key Points
Gain Control of the Corners Focus on securing the corners for stable positions.
Place Discs Strategically Avoid getting boxed in and limit your opponent’s moves.
Limit the Number of Discs Flipped Early Minimize your opponent’s opportunities and maintain control.
Place Discs in Diverse Areas Maintain flexibility and create multiple opportunities for outflanking.

strategies for winning in Othello

Implementing these strategies can significantly enhance your gameplay and increase your chances of mastering Othello. By focusing on controlling the corners, placing discs strategically, limiting early flips, and diversifying disc placements, you can develop a formidable approach that will keep your opponents on their toes.

Scoring and Handicaps in Othello

In the game of Othello, players have the option to score their games based on the margin of victory. This is determined by subtracting the smaller number of discs from the larger number. Scoring provides a quantifiable measure of success and adds an extra level of challenge to the game.

Scoring Example:

Player Number of Discs
Player 1 42
Player 2 20

In the example above, Player 1 has 42 discs and Player 2 has 20 discs. By subtracting 20 from 42, the margin of victory for Player 1 would be 22 discs.

To level the playing field between players of different skill levels, handicaps can be implemented. Handicaps give the less experienced player a strategic advantage to balance the game. One common handicap in Othello is the four-corner advantage. This means the more experienced player would allow the opponent to start the game with discs already placed in all four corners of the board.

Handicap Rules:

Handicap Advantage
Four-Corner Advantage Opponent starts with discs in all four corners.

Before starting a series of games, it is important to establish the rules and agree on the handicaps that will be used. This ensures fair play and encourages players to develop and refine their tactics.

Sample Game and Puzzle Solutions in Othello

To understand Othello gameplay better, let’s take a look at a sample game. In this game, players will take turns making moves and flipping discs.

The objective of the game is to have the most discs of your color on the board at the end. The game continues until neither player can make a move.

Sample Game

Let’s follow a sample game of Othello:

  1. Player A places a black disc in the center of the board.
  2. Player B places a white disc diagonally adjacent to Player A’s black disc.
  3. Player A places another black disc diagonally adjacent to Player B’s white disc, sandwiching it between two black discs.
  4. Player B places a white disc diagonally adjacent to Player A’s black disc, flipping the sandwiched black disc to white.

The game continues with players taking turns until there are no more valid moves left. At the end, the player with the most discs of their color on the board is declared the winner.

Puzzle Solutions

In addition to sample games, there are puzzle solutions available for Othello. These puzzles showcase strategic moves that guarantee the capture of a corner.

Tips and Advice for Playing Othello

Looking to improve your Othello gameplay? We’ve got you covered with some handy tips and advice to help you master this strategic board game.

Establishing Stable Disc Positions

To gain an advantage in Othello, focus on establishing stable disc positions around the edges and corners of the board. These positions provide greater control and limit your opponent’s options. By protecting these areas, you can create strong foundations for your future moves.

Limiting Your Opponent’s Options

One effective strategy is to look for moves that your opponent can’t play. By identifying and exploiting these opportunities, you can limit their options and force them into unfavorable positions. This tactic puts you in a position of strength and increases your chances of success.

Avoid Flipping Too Many Discs Early

While it may be tempting to flip as many discs as possible in the early stages of the game, it’s important to exercise caution. Flipping too many discs can give your opponent more opportunities to outmaneuver you. Instead, focus on precision and strategic placement to gradually gain control of the board.

Strategic Disc Placement

Placing your discs strategically is crucial to avoid getting boxed in by your opponent. Balance your pieces between the edges, middle, and center of the board. This approach diversifies your options and provides multiple opportunities to outflank your opponent. Stay flexible and adapt your strategy as the game unfolds.

Follow these tips and advice to elevate your Othello gameplay. By honing your skills and adopting strategic tactics, you can become a master of this classic board game.


Othello is a game that demands strategic thinking and careful planning. By familiarising yourself with the rules and employing various tactics, you can significantly enhance your chances of victory. One critical aspect to keep in mind is gaining control of the corners, as they provide stability and robust positions on the board. Additionally, it is vital to limit your opponent’s moves and place your discs strategically to maximize your opportunities.

With practice and experience, you can develop into a master of Othello. The more you play and confront different opponents, the better you will become at anticipating their moves and crafting counter-strategies. Whether you choose to focus on the aggressive or defensive approach, adaptability is key. Evaluate the board, assess your opponent’s intentions, and make calculated moves that exploit weaknesses and create advantages.

Remember that winning at Othello is not solely reliant on luck but your ability to analyze the board, foresee future possibilities, and execute your strategies effectively. Take the time to study tactics, engage in challenging games, and continuously refine your gameplay. By sharpening your skills, you can rise above the competition and enjoy the rewarding experience that the game of Othello offers.

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