Welcome to our guide on how to play Red Door Yellow Door, the captivating psychological game that takes you on a journey through your imagination. In this article, we will explore the rules, techniques, and safety precautions of this intriguing game.

How to Play Red Door Yellow Door?

Red Door Yellow Door is a game that requires two players, one acting as the guide and the other as the subject. The guide leads the subject into a trance-like state using a specific phrase and gentle temple massage. Once in the trance, the subject visualizes a series of hallways and doors in their mind, while the guide asks questions to uncover their imaginary space.

To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience, it is essential to follow the guidelines and rules of the game. In the following sections, we will provide a step-by-step breakdown of how to set up the game, enter the trance, navigate the imaginary space, and end the game properly. We will also discuss safety precautions that both the guide and subject should be aware of throughout the gameplay.

So, if you’re ready to unlock the depths of your imagination and embark on a unique adventure, let’s delve into the world of Red Door Yellow Door together!

Setting Up the Game

In order to play Red Door Yellow Door, follow these instructions to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience:

  1. Designate Players: Choose one player to be the subject and another to be the guide.
  2. Positioning: Have the subject lie down with their head in the guide’s lap. The guide should sit cross-legged on the floor.
  3. Massaging and Chanting: The guide should gently massage the subject’s temples while chanting the phrase “Red door, yellow door, any other color door” to induce a trance-like state.
  4. Creating the Environment: It is recommended to play in a dark and quiet room to enhance the immersive experience.

Follow these rules to ensure a smooth gameplay and maximize the effects of Red Door Yellow Door.

red door yellow door instructions

Instructions: Rules:
Lie down with head in the guide’s lap Ensure the subject is in a comfortable position
The guide massages the subject’s temples Use gentle and soothing motions
Chant “Red door, yellow door, any other color door” Repeat the phrase consistently and evenly
Play in a dark and quiet room Create an environment that promotes relaxation and concentration

Entering the Trance

playing red door yellow door safely

Once the subject is in a relaxed state and visualizing their imaginary space, they lower their arms to indicate that the game is starting. The guide asks the subject questions about what they see in their mind, encouraging them to describe the rooms, hallways, and doors they encounter. It is important for the subject to answer honestly and for the guide to listen attentively.

To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience while playing Red Door Yellow Door, here are some tips and tricks:

  1. Maintain a calm environment: Find a quiet, dimly lit room where you can fully focus and avoid distractions.
  2. Establish trust and communication: Prioritize open and honest communication between the guide and subject to ensure a comfortable experience.
  3. Set a timer: It’s advisable to set a timer to keep track of the game’s duration and avoid staying in the trance for too long, ensuring the subject’s well-being.
  4. Encourage detailed descriptions: Guide the subject to provide detailed descriptions of the rooms, hallways, and doors they encounter to enhance the immersive experience.
  5. Listen attentively: As the guide, actively listen to the subject’s responses, allowing them to freely explore their imaginary space and providing guidance and support when needed.

Following these tips and tricks will help you play Red Door Yellow Door safely and maximize your enjoyment of the game. Remember to prioritize the well-being of the subject and maintain a respectful and attentive approach throughout the experience.

Navigating the Imaginary Space

In the captivating game of Red Door Yellow Door, the guide plays a crucial role in leading the subject through a fascinating imaginary space. This section will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to navigate this mystical realm and the rules that apply along the way.

Step 1: Asking Questions and Prompting Exploration

The guide’s primary task is to ask thought-provoking questions, guiding the subject to open doors and explore different rooms within their imagination. Through their responses, the subject should vividly describe what they see and share their feelings about each room or hallway encountered.

Step 2: Encouraging Positive Exploration

Throughout the game, the guide should encourage the subject to enter rooms that evoke positive emotions. Positive rooms may be filled with warmth, joy, or familiar surroundings. It’s essential for the guide to actively listen and support the subject’s exploration.

Step 3: Avoiding Negative Elements

As the subject navigates the imaginary space, it is crucial to avoid rooms that contain negative or unsettling elements. Examples of such elements include clocks, which are thought to trap the subject, and unfamiliar people who may disrupt the experience. By prioritizing rooms with positive vibes, the subject can enhance their journey.

Step 4: Game Duration

The game continues until the predetermined time set by the guide has elapsed or if any concerning elements are encountered within the imaginary space. It is essential to ensure the subject’s safety and well-being throughout the entire gameplay.

red door yellow door game rules

Step Guide’s Role
1 Ask questions and prompt exploration
2 Encourage positive exploration
3 Avoid negative elements
4 Ensure game duration

Safety Precautions and Waking Up

When playing the enchanting game of Red Door Yellow Door, it is important to prioritize safety to ensure a pleasant and secure experience. By following a few precautions and being aware of potential challenges, players can fully enjoy their exploration of the imaginary space. Here are some key safety guidelines to keep in mind:

Avoid Interacting with Unknown Entities

As you navigate through your imaginative world, you may encounter various people or entities. While some might seem friendly, it’s crucial to exercise caution and avoid interacting with them. Since their intentions are unknown, it’s best to keep a safe distance and focus on exploring your own visualizations.

Promptly Leave Clock-Filled Rooms

If you come across rooms filled with clocks during your imaginary journey, it is advised to leave them promptly. These rooms are said to trap the subject, potentially leading to an uncomfortable experience. To ensure a smooth and enjoyable game, move on to other spaces that invoke positive feelings.

Move Upwards and Approach Light and Bright Colors

While navigating the imaginary space, try to move upwards rather than downwards in your visualizations. Many players find that ascending enhances the overall experience and promotes a sense of positivity. Additionally, focus on approaching rooms and settings with light and bright colors, as they tend to evoke calmness and tranquility.

Ending the Game in Unsettling Situations

If, during the game, you find yourself trapped or encounter a man in a suit who evokes feelings of uneasiness, it’s important to end the game immediately. Trust your instincts and inform the guide, who can assist in safely concluding the session. Remember, your comfort and well-being should always be the top priority.

Waking Up from the Trance

In rare instances where it becomes necessary to wake up from the trance, the guide can gently shake the subject to rouse them. This gentle stimulation helps transition back to the waking state. Take a moment to reorient yourself and gradually open your eyes, allowing yourself to fully awaken and become aware of your surroundings.

Playing Red Door Yellow Door can be a fascinating and exhilarating experience, bringing forth the depths of your imagination. By following these safety precautions, you can embark on this captivating adventure with confidence, ensuring a secure and enjoyable journey.

Ending the Game

There is no definite ending or winning condition for Red Door Yellow Door. The goal of the game is to explore the subject’s imagination and have fun during the experience. However, there are some tips and strategies that can enhance your gameplay and increase your chances of a satisfying session.

Tips for Winning Red Door Yellow Door:

  • Encourage the subject to fully immerse themselves in the imaginary space. The more vivid and detailed their descriptions, the more engaging the game becomes.
  • Ask thought-provoking questions to elicit interesting responses from the subject. This can lead to deeper exploration and uncover hidden aspects of their imagination.
  • Guide the subject towards positive and intriguing rooms while avoiding rooms with unsettling elements. This can create a more enjoyable experience and minimize any potential discomfort.
  • Be patient and attentive as the guide. Listen carefully to the subject’s answers and provide insightful prompts to guide them through their journey.
  • Set a predetermined time limit to ensure the game doesn’t go on indefinitely. This can help maintain a sense of structure and prevent the subject from staying in the trance for too long.
  • Provide a soothing and gentle transition back to reality. Count down before instructing the subject to open their eyes, allowing them to gradually awaken from the trance.

By following these tips, you can create a more immersive and enjoyable experience while playing Red Door Yellow Door. Remember, the game is all about exploring the depths of the imagination, so let your creativity and curiosity guide you.

The Return

After the exhilarating journey through the imaginary space, it’s time for both the guide and the subject to return to their normal state of consciousness. This phase is crucial for ensuring a smooth transition back to reality and allowing the subject to reflect on their experience. Here are some steps to facilitate the return:

1. Guiding Back to the Starting Point

The guide can gently guide the subject back to the starting point of their exploration. This can be done by providing verbal cues or physically guiding the subject’s movements if necessary. By retracing their steps, the subject can gradually reconnect with their surroundings.

2. Slow Countdown

As the subject reaches the starting point, the guide can initiate a slow countdown. This countdown helps the subject become aware of the transitioning process and prepares them for the return to their normal state of consciousness. The guide can begin the countdown at a comfortable pace, allowing the subject to adjust accordingly.

3. Opening the Eyes

Once the countdown is complete, the guide instructs the subject to open their eyes. Opening their eyes serves as a symbolic gesture of re-entering the physical world and fully awakening from the trance. It marks the end of the immersive experience and allows the subject to regain complete awareness of their surroundings.

Take note that the subject should be given sufficient time to settle back into reality before engaging in any immediate activities. It is essential to provide a supportive and calming environment to ensure a smooth transition.

If a recording of the session was made, the subject and guide may find it beneficial to listen or watch it together. This allows for further insights and discussions about the experience. Reflecting on the session can help both parties gain a deeper understanding of the subject’s journey through the imaginary space.

Steps for a Successful Return
1. Guide the subject back to the starting point
2. Initiate a slow countdown
3. Instruct the subject to open their eyes
4. Allow time to settle back into reality


Red Door Yellow Door is a captivating psychological game that takes players on a journey deep into their imagination. By carefully following the instructions and guidelines provided by the guide, players can enter a trance-like state and explore their own unique imaginary space.

Ensuring safety is paramount when playing Red Door Yellow Door. If any unsettling elements or negative experiences arise during the game, it is important to promptly end the session. Prioritizing the well-being of all participants is crucial.

If you’re curious about delving into the depths of your mind and embarking on an intriguing adventure, Red Door Yellow Door is the perfect game for you. With its step-by-step guide and gameplay instructions, you can navigate your imaginary space, unlocking doors to untold possibilities.


Is Red Door Yellow Door Real?

Yes, Red Door Yellow Door is a real game that originated in the UK. It is a popular and thrilling game that has gained a lot of attention in recent years. The objective of the game is to enter into a trance-like state through guided visualization and explore your subconscious mind to face your fears and overcome challenges. So if you’re ready for an intense and immersive experience, Red Door Yellow Door is waiting for you.

How to Make a Red Door and Yellow Door Work?

Red Door Yellow Door is more than just a game, it’s an immersive experience that will unlock your mind and take you on an adventure through different dimensions. To make the most out of your journey, start by setting the scene with some dim lighting and ambient music. Then, sit in front of your doors – one red, one yellow – and close your eyes. Focus on your breathing and let yourself relax before opening the doors and letting the game guide you through your subconscious. Trust in the process and see where it takes you. With Red Door Yellow Door, there are no limits to what you can discover and achieve.

Can You Die From Red Door Yellow Door?

No, you cannot physically die from playing Red Door Yellow Door. It is a psychological and immersive game that takes players on a thrilling journey through their own subconscious minds. However, it is always important to play this game responsibly and with a trusted group of friends in a safe environment.

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